
2024-02-09 20:22:00

そばはからだにいい/Soba is Beneficial for Health





では、「そば粉 中層粉」100g1食分相当)で十割そばを打った場合どうなるでしょうか(茹でることによる栄養素の流出をゼロとした場合)。 エネルギーは必要量の12%、たんぱく質は推奨量の16%、脂質は目標量の11%、食物繊維は目標の21%となりました。 ミネラルは、銅は推奨の64%、マグネシウムは推奨の59%、鉄は推奨の40%、リンが目安の39%、マンガンは目安の29%、亜鉛は推奨の20%、カリウムは目標の19%でした。 ビタミンは、E(γ-トコフェロール)は目安の120%、B6は推奨の31%、ナイアシンは推奨の27%、B1は推奨の25%、葉酸は推奨の18%となります。








手間暇かけた心に沁みるおいしい食事は、サプリメントで補ったり即席の完全栄養食を食べるよりは体にもこころにもきっといいでしょう。 そんな食事も月の内何度かは味わいたいものです。



pdf そば1食分の栄養成分の試算(八訂 第2章日本食品標準成分表を加工).pdf (0.49MB)



 In Japan, soba is widely recognized as a health food. Let's reexamine this from a nutritional perspective. In Shoji Yamada's book "Science of Noodles" (Kodansha Bluebacks), scientific data on the nutritional aspects of Japanese soba are presented. The amino acid score of Japanese soba is 84 (compared to 100 for soba flour), indicating a well-balanced essential amino acid profile. Additionally, soba is rich in dietary fiber, and its low glycemic index (55%) results in a gradual increase in postprandial blood glucose levels.


Using data from the "Japanese Food Composition Table 2020 Edition" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the "Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2020" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, I calculated the nutritional content of one serving of boiled soba (220g) as a percentage of the daily recommended intake for adult males (30-49 years old). The results showed that soba can contribute approximately 30% of the required dietary fiber, around 20% of copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, and about 10% of B1, niacin, and B6 vitamins. As this soba contains 35% soba flour (whole layer flour), a higher ratio of soba flour would likely yield even better nutritional values.

Now, let's consider what happens when making soba using 100g of "soba flour middle layer" (equivalent to one serving), assuming no nutrient loss during boiling. The energy content is 12% of the required amount, protein contributes 16% of the recommended intake, fat provides 11% of the target, and dietary fiber accounts for 21% of the goal. Minerals such as copper cover 64% of the recommended intake, magnesium contributes 59%, iron accounts for 40% of the recommended amount, phosphorus represents 39% of the target, manganese reaches 29% of the recommended value, zinc constitutes 20% of the recommended intake, and potassium fulfills 19% of the target. Regarding vitamins, E (γ-tocopherol) exceeds the recommended intake at 120%, B6 supplies 31% of the recommended amount, niacin provides 27% of the recommended intake, B1 reaches 25% of the recommended value, and folate contributes 18% of the recommended intake.

In conclusion, soba is not only a source of energy comparable to rice but also an excellent protein source with well-balanced minerals and vitamins.

Additionally, soba is renowned for containing rutin. The website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries states, "Once referred to as Vitamin P, the component now known as rutin strengthens capillaries and has the effect of lowering blood pressure." Rutin, recognized as an antioxidant, belongs to the flavonoid category and is a type of polyphenol.

While we've highlighted the positive aspects of soba from a nutritional standpoint, it's essential to be mindful of certain considerations when including it in your diet. While soba is recognized for its balanced nutrition, it is essential to be cautious when consuming only "zaru soba" (cold soba noodles). In the case of 100% soba noodles ("jūwari soba"), the soba flour contains approximately 10% protein, allowing for a well-rounded intake of amino acids. However, when soba contains 50-70% wheat flour, the amino acid score decreases. Therefore, when consuming soba with a low ratio of soba flour, it is advisable to pair it with protein-rich ingredients such as eggs or chicken to maintain a desirable balance.

It's worth noting that "Sarashina soba" (white soba) looks appealing and has a pleasant texture, but it contains fewer proteins, minerals, and vitamins compared to darker soba. The "Japanese Food Composition Table" classifies soba flour into four layers: whole layer flour, surface layer flour, middle layer flour, and inner layer flour. As you move toward the center of the soba, carbohydrate values increase while protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins decrease.

Furthermore, "Gozen soba" predominantly uses inner layer flour, which is primarily composed of starch (carbohydrates). As a result, "Gozen soba" may lack pronounced flavors and aromas, offering only a subtle sweetness and a distinctive texture. When consuming white soba, similar to enjoying freshly cooked rice, it's advisable to complement it with meat, fish, or side dishes.

On the other hand, "Inaka soba" (countryside soba) is nutritionally rich, often utilizing whole layer flour or surface layer flour and sometimes incorporating ground soba husks into the flour. This imparts a rustic flavor to the soba, although it may introduce a slightly gritty texture and, in some cases, may be challenging to digest. Understanding that the nutritional balance varies significantly depending on the ratio and type of soba flour used is crucial.

"Soba-yu" (soba broth) is frequently touted as being nutrient-rich, but specific data supporting this claim is not readily available online (although the nutritional analysis of dissolved soba flour in hot water can be found). While it is undeniable that the nutritional components of soba leach into the boiling water as the soba cooks, the extent of its nutritional effectiveness when consumed is challenging to ascertain, given the modest amount typically consumed—approximately one to two small cups (100-200 ml) of broth. As such, the nutritional efficacy of soba-yu remains somewhat unclear.The thickening agent in soba broth primarily comes from the starch in the soba flour (either inner layer flour or processed starch). Although you can perceive a hint of sweetness, the majority is composed of carbohydrates. I believe that experiencing the comforting sensation of sipping on the smooth, warm soba broth after enjoying cold soba would be sufficient for a sense of relief.

 It's advisable to be cautious about adding soba broth to a half-filled small cup (choko), as it may lead to excessive salt intake. Ideally, keep the amount of broth in the cup minimal, and by the time you finish the soba, leave only a few millimeters of broth at the bottom before adding warm soba water. Feeling a subtle essence of the broth's flavor is sufficient.

I must apologize for sounding a bit presumptuous as if I were a nutritionist. It's worth noting that while the data from the ' Japanese Food Composition Table ' serves as a useful reference, there's no need to turn every meal into a 'complete nutritional feast.' Calculating calories and nutrients for every meal can be challenging. Balancing deliciousness with necessary nutrients through trendy, nutritionally fortified products or supplements can be an alternative. Especially in this era of 'ti-pa' (Time Performance), there isn't always time to leisurely enjoy every meal. In the course of a day or week, incorporating nutritional knowledge to make smart dietary choices becomes essential in today's time...

A delicious meal crafted with care is likely to be better for both the body and soul compared to relying on instant complete nutrition or supplements. Such meals are something to savor a few times within the month.


 I've attached a processed file of data from the ' Japanese Food Composition Table ' (PDF) for your reference. Feel free to take a look.