アクセス/Visit Us 

名前/Name Hiro蕎麦KITCHEN/Hiro Soba Kitchen
住所/Adress 北海道 北広島市高台町5丁目3ー8 Kitahiroshima city takadaicho5-3-8
最寄り駅/Nearest Station JR北広島 JR Kitahiroshima Station
道順/Directions 駅から距離は約2.5㎞で、タクシーご利用の場合は1300円程度です。
The distance from the station is approximately 2.5 km, and the taxi fare is about 1300 yen.
電話番号/TEL 080-2149-7819
設備/Facilities 築50年の一軒家です。
This is a 50-year-old house.
Please go up the stairs and ring the doorbell at the entrance.
Soba noodle making will take place on the second floor, while cooking and tasting will be on the first floor.
その他/Other 車でお越しの場合は、駐車場(1台分)をご利用ください。
If you are coming by car, please use the parking space available for one car.