
2023-11-15 17:38:00

星の王子さま/the Little Prince



物売りは、 のどの渇きをいやすのに、とてもよく効く薬を売っていた。一週間にひと粒 飲めば、もうなにも飲みたいとは思わなくなる。

「どうしてそんなものを売ってるの?」 王子さまは聞いた。




《出典》サン=テグジュペリ. 星の王子さま(新潮文庫 河野万里子訳)












A peddler sold a medicine that was very effective at quenching thirst. If you took one pill a week, you would no longer feel the need to drink anything else.

"Why do you sell such a thing?" the Little Prince asked.

"It's because it allows for marvelous time savings," the peddler replied. "Experts have calculated that you can save fifty-three minutes a week."

"And what do you do with those fifty-three minutes?" "I use them for whatever I like..."

"I would use them to..." thought the Little Prince. "If I had fifty-three minutes, I would quietly walk towards the fountain."

[Source: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince" (Translation by Mariko Kawano, Shincho Bunko)]

*The following source portions are indicated by ' ' marks. The attached illustrations are from the same source.

Written 80 years ago, this book satirizes adults who toil to save time. The author wonders how this resonates with today's Japanese society, where the word "ti-pa"(time performance) has become a valuable keyword among the leading Generation Z in the information protection society.

The depiction of adults who don't necessarily think about what to do with the time they save may not necessarily apply to today's Japanese people. After going through the era of high growth, the era of low growth, and the uncertainty of lifelong employment, society is busy with studying and investing to secure income until the age of 70.

Even so, living such a daily life, there is a balance that may be disturbed, and many people may spend their weekends exhausted and collapsed at home. Positive individuals engage in hobbies or solo trips, spending enjoyable times with close friends. However, maintaining a balance mentally doesn't seem easy.

"My plane crashed in the desert, exactly a week ago (omitted). I had drunk the last drop of water I had." I search for a well with the Little Prince without a specific destination. Holding the Little Prince, I walk all night and discover a well at dawn.

The water is "walked under the starry sky, listened to the pulley's song, and the water I obtained through hard work." That's why it is water that is similar to a gift, good for the heart, says the Little Prince.

If you are feeling lost with nothing to do, why not try making handmade soba noodles?


Let's savor the "water that is good for the heart" together. It can be refreshing.

